Together is my favorite place to be

Hi friends, I haven't written a blog in ages. For no other reason than I haven't felt called to write any lengthy copy that I assume no one has the time to read anyway. But I've been thinking a lot about the power of gathering - I've witnessed time and time again what an enormous impact it can have on our psyche, our healing, our mental health and of everyone around us. I don't mean gathering with friends to have dinner. I am talking about gathering with the purpose of making the world a better place. With a focus on self-care, self-love, healing, community, holding space for one another, and going inward to learn about ourselves on a deeper level. But its tricky, the idea of gathering in groups when the fear of getting sick or unknowingly making someone else sick is present in our minds and bodies. Gathering during uncertain times is a precarious road. But if we don't gather, does the risk outweigh the loss of time? Time is not refundable you guys. We don't get this time back, sadly.

Gathering for me is non negotiable. The way I feel after spending a week or weekend on retreat with women I've never met but end up feeling a deep and soulful connection is everything. From these experiences, it becomes glaringly clear that we're all in this together. That we're all the same; just souls living a human experience wanting to be loved, accepted and cared for. We all want to matter. We also learn that every single person is going through something. We are not alone in our pain and suffering. We are not alone in our journey of wanting to understand our purpose.

Saying it hasn't been easy running a retreat business during a pandemic is an understatement. But these challenges are making me stronger and certainly more patient. They say even though we may not have it all together, together we have it all.

"When women gather with the intention to hold, to listen, to co-create, and to empower, the possibilities for genuine transformation and impact on the culture are endless." - Sarah Marshank quote with women sitting in a circle meditating

Can we move through the world safely? I believe so. Should we? I know so. As Jane Hardwicke Collings so smartly said; "A part of healing the wounded feminine and reclaiming feminine wisdom is for the women to reconnect, to come together as sisters with a common mission rather than stay isolated and reinforce divisiveness which disempowers us all and weakens our efforts."

How do you feel about gathering in uncertain times? Have you? If not, what's holding you back? I'd love to hear from you and what might make you comfortable to gather on retreat.

Thank for reading. With love, Staci


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The new Age of Enlightenment