Council - Sacred Circle

There is something magical, mystical even, about sitting in a circle, rooted to mother earth, where a sacred container has been summoned to hold you tenderly and with love

Sacred council members gathered in a circle in a living room with candles and flowers in the middle drinking tea and supporting women during a sacred circle council meeting

The first time I sat in Council I was blown away, the impact of the process was so profound for me that I knew the experience would be the beginning of a new way of life, a passionate life long journey to hold sacred space for others. 

Growing up in a very loud, talkative family did not enhance my listening skills, in fact if you ever wanted to say something you were going to have to interrupt. It seemed everyone talked over everyone desperate to be heard with no one listening at all. 

Sitting in Council was my first experience of listening deeply from the heart, not thinking about how I wanted to respond or how the teller’s story related to me, just listening with my entire being, and trusting that I too would be truly heard, perhaps for the first time in my life.

That was many years ago and I’m still passionate about Council, it’s through this process that I create and hold sacred space for women, and from this, that Sacred Women Retreats was born.

I’m often asked what Council is and I must confess I find it hard describe in words exactly what it is. A standard answer might be;

Council is a practice of open, heartfelt expression and attentive, empathic listening, and it is that, yet so much more.

It is very rare to be heard in this manner and this quality of listening provides a mysterious spark for authentic and deep sharing. I have witnessed otherwise stoic people brought to tears by the heartfelt stories of others, as well as deeply private people compelled to share their sacred truths. The process of Council is deeply healing on a soul level.

So what is Council...? I would describe it as an ancient and sacred form of coming together to share, to clarify, to cultivate deep understanding. It is a means for meaningful connection, for resolving conflict in a compassionate and empathic way, for building consensus, it’s a catalyst for creating positive change in our world, and so much more.

We could talk about what Council is and try our best to convey its mysteries until the end of time but the only way you will really know what Council is, is to experience it.

If you’re intrigued and/or looking for meaningful connection and sacred sisterhood join a Sacred Women Gathering at the Whole 9 Gallery in Culver City. 

We gather the first Sunday of every month from 5:00 to 7:00 PM. To find out more and to RSVP go HERE

The first time I sat in Council I was blown away, the impact of the process was so profound for me that I knew the experience would be the beginning of a new way of life, a passionate life long journey to hold sacred space for others. 

Growing up in a very loud, talkative family did not enhance my listening skills, in fact if you ever wanted to say something you were going to have to interrupt. It seemed everyone talked over everyone desperate to be heard with no one listening at all. 

Sitting in Council was my first experience of listening deeply from the heart, not thinking about how I wanted to respond or how the teller’s story related to me, just listening with my entire being, and trusting that I too would be truly heard, perhaps for the first time in my life.

That was many years ago and I’m still passionate about Council, it’s through this process that I create and hold sacred space for women, and from this, that Sacred Women Retreats was born.

I’m often asked what Council is and I must confess I find it hard describe in words exactly what it is. A standard answer might be;

Council is a practice of open, heartfelt expression and attentive, empathic listening, and it is that, yet so much more.

It is very rare to be heard in this manner and this quality of listening provides a mysterious spark for authentic and deep sharing. I have witnessed otherwise stoic people brought to tears by the heartfelt stories of others, as well as deeply private people compelled to share their sacred truths. The process of Council is deeply healing on a soul level.

So what is Council...? I would describe it as an ancient and sacred form of coming together to share, to clarify, to cultivate deep understanding. It is a means for meaningful connection, for resolving conflict in a compassionate and empathic way, for building consensus, it’s a catalyst for creating positive change in our world, and so much more.

We could talk about what Council is and try our best to convey its mysteries until the end of time but the only way you will really know what Council is, is to experience it.

If you’re intrigued and/or looking for meaningful connection and sacred sisterhood join a Sacred Women Gathering at the Whole 9 Gallery in Culver City. 

We gather the first Sunday of every month from 5:00 to 7:00 PM. To find out more and to RSVP go HERE


Sacred Self-Care ~ you deserve it!